Key Techniques for Shielding the Ball

One of the most valuable skills a player can develop is the ability to shield the ball effectively. When you’re under pressure from an opponent, keeping possession is crucial, and shielding allows you to buy time, make smart decisions, and control the flow of play. Here’s a breakdown of the key techniques you need to master in order to shield the ball like a pro and keep your composure under pressure.

1. Keeping the Ball Under Pressure

Maintaining possession under pressure is one of the most critical aspects of a soccer player’s game. When an opponent closes in, it’s easy to panic, but the key to success lies in staying calm and using your body to protect the ball. Shielding allows you to create a barrier between your opponent and the ball, preventing them from stealing possession while you assess your next move.

2. Maximizing Separation

When shielding, always aim to keep the greatest possible separation between you and your opponent. This involves not only using your body but also positioning the ball in a way that it stays out of your opponent’s reach. You can achieve this by extending your arm slightly to maintain distance, creating enough space to move or pass the ball while still being in control.

3. Extend Your Arm

A crucial part of shielding is using your arm to create separation between you and the defender. By extending your arm, you create a physical barrier that keeps the opponent at bay without making excessive contact that could draw a foul. This extension also allows you to sense the defender’s movements, helping you stay in control and react to their positioning.

4. Switch Feet

As you shield the ball, it’s important to be agile and able to quickly switch feet. This flexibility allows you to adapt to the defender’s pressure and keep the ball away from them. If the opponent is pressuring your right side, be ready to pivot and switch the ball to your left foot, and vice versa. This constant movement keeps the defender guessing and makes it more difficult for them to anticipate your next move.

5. Spin Out

One of the most effective moves when shielding is the spin. When you feel the defender pressuring you from behind, spinning away from the opponent allows you to break free from their challenge. This sudden change in direction often leaves the defender off balance and can create an opening for you to either pass the ball or accelerate into open space.

6. Start Shielding Before the Ball Arrives

Preparation is everything in soccer, and shielding is no different. Begin positioning your body to shield before you even receive the ball. This proactive approach helps you gain control of the situation from the moment the ball arrives, rather than reacting after the defender has already made a move. Anticipating the defender’s actions allows you to get into the optimal position and protect the ball more effectively.

7. Know Where the Opponent Is

One of the golden rules of shielding is awareness. You need to constantly know where your opponent is to effectively move and position your body. By staying aware of their movements, you can adjust your body and shield the ball in the most effective way. This also helps you anticipate any aggressive challenges, giving you the opportunity to spin off or push away to maintain possession.

8. Push Off to Gain Space

When you’re closely marked, you can use subtle pushes or nudges to create space. This involves using your body strength to push off the defender without fouling them. It’s a delicate balance, but when done correctly, this can help you gain a crucial yard of space to pass or move into a better position.

9. Dealing with Hidden Fouls

Soccer is a physical game, and hidden fouls often occur during shielding situations. You might get tugged, pushed, or blocked without the referee seeing it. While frustrating, these moments are part of the game. One effective way to deal with hidden fouls is to spin off your opponent. This not only helps expose the foul but also gives you the chance to break free and continue playing. By spinning away, you can often catch the defender off guard and force them into a more obvious foul that the referee will be more likely to penalize.


Mastering the art of shielding in soccer takes practice, awareness, and physical strength. By employing techniques such as extending your arm, switching feet, and spinning away from pressure, you can maintain possession under even the most intense defensive pressure. Remember to always keep separation between you and your opponent, know where they are, and use your body intelligently to control the game. Hidden fouls may happen, but by being proactive and clever, you can turn those situations into opportunities.