ONE – 4 times (45 seconds in 1 direction – rest 30 seconds – 45 seconds in other direction)
- Right/left foot toe taps going forward
- Right/left foot roll to left/right
- Left/right foot toe taps going backward
- Left/right foot roll to right/left
TWO – 4 times (execute 1 direction – rest 30 seconds – execute in other direction)
With in-betweens & always looking forward
- Go around cone down right/left
- Go around center cone
- Go around cone top right/left
- Go around center cone
- Go around cone top left/right
- Go around center cone
- Go around cone down left/right
THREE – 4 times (execute with one foot & go back with other foot – rest for 30 seconds)
- Go around each cone dribbling around a corner & then slalom around the center cone
- When at the last cone go back with the other foot
FOUR – 4 times (45 seconds without stopping – then rest for 30 seconds)
In a bigger square with 1 cone in the center. Perform skill moves – always going from 1 quadrant to another.
FIVE – 4 times (45 seconds without stopping – then rest for 30 seconds)
- Go from the side into the middle
- Do a feint or skill move
- Go back to the side or continue to the other side
- Make it unpredictable